
Feel free to share your data because your information is safe at Haleema Limited. We handle personal and non-personal data with complete security protocols. Read our privacy policy, which is tailored to provide end-to-end encryption. Our policy will inform you what type of information we collect and how we use it. The information explained aims to tell you about our arrangements to protect your information and offer guaranteed confidentiality. Our privacy policy applies to all our customers who use our website services for bookings or visiting users. Customers who use third-party or linked websites for our services are exempt from our privacy policy. This privacy policy will be effective in the coming years, and any frequent updates will be notified instantly on this page.

Information We Collect

We collect the following information from users when they use our website for bookings:

  • Types of Personal Information: We inquire about names, phone numbers, email addresses, and passport numbers for confirmation.
  • Types of Non-Personal Information: Additional data is also necessary to ensure the safety of our website from robotic users. Therefore, we collect IP address, browser type, operating system, pages visited, duration, and frequency for often visited websites.
  • Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies: We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure user satisfaction and enhance the engaging experience on our website. These cookie files help us understand users' preferences and tailor our website features to them.

How We Use Your Information

  • Providing and Improving Services: We use customer information to manage bookings and ticket purchases. It also helps us to improve our services according to client's requirements.
  • Communication and Customer Support: We utilize the collected data to send confirmation notifications and alerts about special booking discounts. The user’s data also empowers us to solve concerns and answer users’ queries.
  • Marketing and Promotional Activities: With users' permission, we use their personal and non-personal information to send notifications about offers and promotional discounts on bookings.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: The information you provided helps us comply with applicable laws and meet industry standards.

Sharing Your Information

  • With Service Providers and Partners: We share your information with service providers to confirm bookings and provide customer support. Our business partners use our shared information to render services and offer promotional benefits.
  • For Legal and Compliance Reasons: We disclose customer information for investigation purposes or legal compliance. We also share it to protect our terms and rights.
  • Business Transfers and Mergers: The information you provided can also be used for acquisitions or merging business assets.

Data Security and Protection

  • Security Measures and Protocols: We protect our data using advanced technology and secure servers. Our website access is restricted, and authorized persons are allowed to access it.
  • Data Encryption and Secure Storage: We use strict encryption policies to safely transfer the data stored in highly secure files.
  • Regular Security Audits: We conduct regular audits and reviews to improve our security and privacy policy based on industry trends.

Your Rights and Choices

  • Accessing Your Information: You have the right to get access to your personal information that we collect during bookings.
  • Correcting and Updating Information: You can request access to collected information to update or correct inaccurate and incomplete data.
  • Deleting Your Information: You can request to delete the stored information subject to legal obligation.
  • Opting Out of Marketing Communications: You can opt out of marketing communications by following the required instructions. This will help you stay informed about the latest deals and updates in the travel market.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

  • Types of Cookies We Use: We use session cookies to store temporary data that is deleted after leaving the website. Our persistent cookies help us understand the user’s preferences for future improvements.
  • Purpose of Cookies: Our cookies help us enhance the user experience and website response according to user interest. This improves services and website traffic by delivering more engaging search results.
  • Managing Cookie Preferences: You can set your preferred cookies from the browser settings by selecting or rejecting the option. Many tools are also available to manage the system's tracking technology.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

  • How We Will Notify You of Changes: We will inform our users on this page about any changes in adequate data or an updated version of the privacy policy.
  • Your Responsibility to Review Updates: You should visit our privacy policy page to observe any changes and stay updated about the latest requirements.

Contact Us

Contact our customer support team to ask for further inquiries and solve your concerns about our privacy policy. Our dedicated team is always here to understand your security-related issues. Feel free to contact us at our helpline number or send us an email at [email protected].